
Wednesday, May 06, 2009

All I Want For Mother's Day

As they usually do about this time every year, my husband and daughter have been asking what I'd like for Mother's Day. A trip to a spa would of course be nice and my only perfume bottle has pretty much run dry. But, as a I try to imagine all the pampering that could be bestowed upon me, my mind transports me to a world that many moms (and dads) only dream about. It's a place in which the contributions and sacrifices we make in raising our children are honored not just on one day but all 365 and where:

  • Every worker has 12 weeks of paid leave that they can use to take care of a new child or aging parent.

  • We never have to miss a school play or baseball game because our employer won't let us leave early.

  • No parent ever has to suffer the death of a child to gun violence.

  • Good childcare, healthcare, and housing are available to everyone, regardless of their income.

  • We can all afford to take a day off work when we are sick or needed to care for an ill child or family member.

  • Stay-at-home parents aren't penalized with poverty in their elder years because there is no social security to rely on.

  • There are parenting education classes and support networks in every community.

  • A full-time job is enough to sustain a family and part-time workers receive benefits too.

  • Schools are open all day, year-round with evening, weekend and summer programs.

  • Families can sit down to dinner and spend quality time together.

    My wish list could go on but, sadly, this Calgon take me away moment has to come to an end so I can get back to the tasks awaiting me here in reality land. Before I do, though, I'm going to fantasize just a little bit longer while watching the wonderful Mother's Day video sent to me by

    It features a faux news story of yours truly receiving the "Mother of the Year" award presented by none other than Chicago's own President Obama, one of my favorite family-friendly dads. Now, there's a gift I wouldn't have thought to ask for! View the video here and then be sure to personalize one for all the mothers and grandmothers you love to give them a laugh on our special day and a little inspiration to work for the change we all deserve.


    At 7:56 PM, Blogger Anita Sarah Jackson said...

    Thanks so much for posting the video!! :)


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